Kissing feet of Christ of Medinaceli
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(pic:Creative Commons on Flickr Jacinta Lluch)
Where and when
Madrid. Spain. Europe.
Kissing feet of Christ of Medinaceli, takes place every year on the first Friday of Marchin the Basilica of the same name. Throughout the day and until there is no more faithful of the church left, it is possible to perform the traditional kissing feet. It is also possible to touch the Christ every Friday of the year.
Madrid is a city of about 3,200,000 inhabitants with a population in its metropolitan area of almost 6,500,000 inhabitants, which makes it the first metropolitan area in Spain. It is the capital of the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the capital of Spain.
Origin … some history pills
Theoriginof the Besapiés (kissing feet) del Cristo de Medinaceli does not have a specific datesince the image suffered hundreds of changes and transfers among different parts of Spain and outside of Spain. This is why he was given the nickname of the Traveling Christ. These ups and downs have forged a great devotion for the image of the Christ of Medinaceli.
It can be said that the Besapié del Cristo de Medinaceli began to become a tradition, once the image remained in the Basilica of Our Father Jesus of Medinaceli, from 1939. Although there were already images of the lines formed to see the image in the year 1919.
What it is / what it consists of
Every year on the first Friday of March, from 00 a.m., the Basilica is opened so that the faithful who queue there enter to venerate the image of Jesus of Medinaceli. The basilica will remain open until 24 hours later or until the last of the faithful enters.
Once in front of the image, the faithful kiss his feetand have to ask for 3 wishes of which only one will be fulfilled.
It is part of the tradition that someone from the Royal Family goes to this act every year to offer a prayer in front of the image of Jesus of Medinaceli.
Kissing feet of Christ of Medinaceli: curiosities
As a curious fact, I will tell you that the Basilica of Jesus of Medinaceli is very close to the Prado Museum, next to the Palace hoteland generates a queue that reaches the Atocha station.
Practical information
Activities: visitthe Pradomuseums, Thyssen Bornemiszaor Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum. Visit all the most characteristic monuments of Madrid or take the Centennial Establishments Route. You can eat in one of the best restaurants in the area and sleep in any of the comfortable accommodations available.
If you want more information you can visit the Madrid Tourism website.
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